Specializing in Women’s Health

Strong to the Core

Deep core focus consisting of weight training, corrective exercise, and cardio interval training is designed specifically for you!

habit reset challenge

You can’t change everything in a month, and perhaps trying to do so in the past left you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or like a failure.
In this group we will focus on stacking healthy habits with other habits you already have. By habit stacking, you’ll find creating a healthier routine doesn’t have to be overwhelming at all.

Pelvic Floor Retraining

Several circumstances can contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction, including but not limited to childbirth (vaginal and cesarean), hip dysfunction, decreased hormone levels.
Pelvic floor retraining is done through a combination of deep core strengthening, and decreasing neuromuscular overactivity. Depending on individual client needs, pelvic floor retraining is integrated into programming.

meno-pause, reset, thrive

Join other women on the same journey as you, navigating perimenopause and menopause.  In this informative webinar, we will take a deep dive into perimenopause and beyond as well as discuss symptoms and solutions!



Hip prehab and recovery training is a comprehensive way to rehabilitate and strengthen the muscles around the hips and lower body. It can help individuals of all ages and fitness levels to improve their mobility and build strength, while also reducing their risk of further injury.

Hormone support fitness training

Every woman is so unique and needs specific types of support, whether it’s through different hormone phases of their monthly cycle, or when hormones drastically decline during perimenopause through menopause. What was working well in your 20’s and 30’s not only ISN’T working, but suddenly seems to be having the OPPOSITE effect in your 40’s. Your workout timing, length, and intensity must change.


Healthy employees are happier, work more efficiently, and save companies money by reducing sick time and insurance claims. 
But just as health is multidimensional, so must a good wellness program be. Being a healthy person goes far beyond exercising regularly and not getting sick, it also includes optimal mobility, making good food choices, getting good sleep, and emotional well-being. 

Upcoming Events



Meno-Pause, Reset, Thrive

Join other women on the same journey as you, navigating perimenopause and menopause in this informative webinar!



Meno-Pause, Reset, Thrive

Join other women on the same journey as you, navigating perimenopause and menopause in this informative webinar!



Group Mobility Classes

Let’s get moving!


Fitness Trainer

Welcome!  I’m so glad you’re here.
My name is Jess. I’m guessing you found my page because you like the sound of being fit and also enjoying food!! Well, you’ve come to the right place. I’m a personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist, and certified nutrition coach who sees the importance of living a balanced lifestyle through sustainable habits.
A little about me…I’ve been happily married for 26 years, a mom of two and an owner of 2 Whoodle fur babies, Rosemary and Basil.  I am a Foodie! I enjoy spending time with family and love to take hikes admiring nature.  I’m a young hip replacement recipient due to hip dysplasia and hip impingement, hyper mobile and currently navigating perimenopause. I believe that exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.
My education in Menopause Fitness, Core Confidence (pelvic floor retraining), and Corrective Exercise enables me to incorporate very specific instructions into every persons unique program.
If you’re looking for intense workouts twice a day and a strict diet that cuts out things you love, but ensures quick results – I’m not your trainer.
 I specialize in helping clients achieve their personal fitness goals safely and efficiently.  If you are looking for a trainer that’s going to create an exercise program designed specifically for you to move and feel your best, get stronger than you ever knew you were, receive nutritional support that will ensure you are well educated about food, well nourished, and eating without shame when it comes to foods you love – I’m your trainer!

How Do Virtual training sessions Work?

Virtual fitness sessions are the perfect way to stay fit.   You can get a great workout from the comfort of your own home.

How do virtual classes work?

All sessions involve a live trainer and participants join in from their home. The trainer will lead the one-on-one session in a variety of exercises, such as bodyweight, weight lifting, mobility, and HIIT. Participants can follow along and ask questions. Virtual fitness sessions are a great way to stay fit and motivated.

What equipment will I need?

Mat, foam roller, resistance bands and weights.  I will also incorporate other training modalities you have such as exercise step, exercise balls (weighted, BOSU, large and small core ball), kettlebells, TRX, box, battle ropes, etc.

Will classes be recorded and accessible later?

Upon request

What technology is required?

All you need is a laptop, computer, tablet, or smartphone and internet access.

client success stories

{Working with Jessica checks all the boxes - fitness, strength, pain relief, beautiful posture, weight loss, nutrition training, glowing confidence.  I've always had a love/hate relationship with exercise and nutrition.  I knew what I needed to do and always felt better when I did it.  But, consistency and motivation have always been a challenge.  Working with Jessica is the first time I've been able to consistently and progressively train my body in YEARS.  I love how I feel in my body now and how it moves.  My posture has greatly improved, knee pain is gone, nightly back pain gone.  My arms and legs are sculpted.  I'm stronger, I breathe better and I am enjoying training my body!!! I still have lots of goals to reach.  Working with Jessica at Fit & Well Fed I feel my family and I have a partner to reach our overall health & wellness goals consistently!  So grateful!
Renee H.
{I suffer from arthritis in my right hip due to a lack of cartilage.  Because of my age and the fact that it's not a bone on bone situation, surgery isn't recommended.  Strengthening my muscles and working on my mobility/stability were the recommendations I chose after going to a few doctors.  After a year and a half of Pilates and working out at home I was able to greatly reduce but to completely get rid of my pain.  I came in contact with Jessica through mutual volunteering and when she told me about her program I immediately signed up.  I begin my corrective exercise training in January 2023 and I am now in my fourth month.  Through this program I have been able to not only tone and sculpt my body but my hip has drastically strengthened and my mobility has greatly improved.  Im so impressed with what 'Jess' has been able to do for me that I've decided to stay on as a regular client.  I'm 45 years old but my body feels and looks like I'm in my 20's again.  If you are just looking for a run of the mill weight loss program, this isn't for you.  This is a way of life....healthy life! Thanks Jess!
Natalie B.
{I’m so happy with this progress. I know I still have lots to work on but at least I’m moving in the right direction. Every new hippie needs to work with you. Thank you! My Chiropractor was pretty happy with my progress today too and I told him about you. My pelvis rotated less than in prior weeks. I’m so thankful that I found you through Maria. I was so happy I just about cried too. I’m excited to keep working with you and make progress.
Michelle M.
{My ability to move, posture, strength and balance have improved as a result of me training with Jessica. In addition I no longer suffer from a dull, nagging shoulder pain that aggravated me for some years. The exercises are  gentle yet target my problem areas. I am getting more and more comfortable with stretching and movement. I  am feeling so much better!
Nancy H.
{I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for you. I don't think I would be able to use the crutches, balance on one foot, engage the core, if this happened like 5 months ago.  I wouldn't have gotten a massage gun, which I am currently using  on my arms. And also just the overall positivity. I know you love what you do, but it took time and money and sacrifice. Thank you for making them so that I have the privilege to benefit.  And please thank your husband and kids for their support of your goals and any sacrifice they made for you too. I appreciate you! 😘
Amy P.